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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hey! Random stuffs~

    Hi people,
( explanation for vocabulary is at the bottom~) I know it's been awhile but...

So since I haven't posted a project lately, I have decided to...
I am an anime* lover. An otaku. ( an anime nerd.) So lately, I will just go to a store to buy grocery's like usual. EXCEPT...
I wear a cosplay wig.
And I go out in public.
 And I watch people stare and the like. I started doing this a couple of days ago, and it's quite fun. Some people complimented me. One guy said "You're awesome. Keep rocking.", and just walked away. It's really amazing when people have the courage to talk to a stranger. So I came to talk about my cosplay wig but...

OOOOkay. Starters for self-esteem.
1. Don't care what anyone thinks if you want to be yourself. I AM NOT SAYING TO DO NOTHING AND BE LAZY. I AM SAYING, IF  YOU WANT TO BE PEPPY, BE PEPPY. IF YOU WANT TO BE GOTH, BE GOTH. DON'T FOLLOW TRENDS BECAUSE YOU WANT TO "~fit in~".  Just be yourself.
2. If people try to drag you down for being "weird", ignore them. Being "weird" is fun. Don't let them judge you for that.
3. Whatever you do, DO NOT, I REPEAT: DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP FOR NOT FITTING IN. WHO CARES?!? Not me. I do not care if you fit in.
Don't be mean. Because that is horrible, and just never do it.

* cosplay- dressing up as a character from a movie, T.V. show, anime, manga*, video game, ect. Dressing up for a contest, convention or just for fun.
* anime- Japanese cartoons, usually based on manga.
*manga- Japanese comic books.
Okay, so I don't really have anything else to say. Sooo...


Bye bye~

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