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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

3D drawing today- Blog chronicles; later

Okay, today I'll show you how to make a simple 3-D image.

You will need-
* two markers like pink and blue( I like using highlighters)
* a paper, I used line paper because that was the only paper I had.
* and a pencil and eraser for more complicated doodles ;D ( optional)

1. Gather materials.
2. Take out first high lighter/ marker, I did pink first so try the lighter colors first.
3. Draw the ( in my case, heart, but try heart first because it is simple) heart.
 4. Out line the color with your second color( do NOT trace the pink; outline it. It is fine to trace by accident.).
5. When your done, it should have a somewhat 3D appearance, or at least a cool look. I will be adding more crafts later so stay tuned! Next time in the Blog Chronicles; "A stuff-tacular time!"


  1. That's neat! Thanks for the tutorial. I'm gonna try that at home.

  2. Thank you for commenting and being so nice! I will soon (maybe) get bigger and better (maybe) crafts, so check CAC808 a lot.
    Thanks! Meow! :)
