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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Swan Lake

               Hi, I know I haven't posted in a while because I have been busy, but I did make a project. It is a very easy one and you can make little tiny, simple ones or big, decorative ones.

  Okay, you need these! ( the * sign means optional )

* Pencil/Pen*

1. Gather all materials.

2. Fold the paper in half.
*3. Draw with a pencil/pen a half heart  on part of the folded paper.*

*4. Outline a swan. The heart is the front of the swan's neck, so the body starts around where the bottom of the heart ends.*

5. Cut out the outline of the swan, make sure to cut out the half heart shape out FIRST, ( from top or bottom) THEN  cut out the rest of the swan.

6. Unfold and you have a swan for some special/random occasion ( and a heart too!) ! Give it to your mom, teacher, friend, neighbor, anyone you can think of!

7. MOST IMPORTANT: Have Fun!!!

 See ya later!!! ;D

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Blog Chronicals! Jigglin' Jellys!!!

       I haven't posted in a while, so I hope you still visit the blog!
Today we are making a soft,squishy, hug-able jellyfish! It might be a little hard for beginners so I will mark the steps that are optional with the * sign before the number and after the step . The steps that are easier for beginners will be marked with the # sign. This might take a few days if you have little time on  your hands or if you take a temporary trip to (as one of my teachers say) " La-La land". Thanks to the "Calico Cat", I bought almost all of my materials except tape* ,scissors, and yarn!This is there website in Hawaii!              http://www.thecalicocathawaii.com/  ( cut and paste. That was not a link.)

 You will need-
Embroidery Needles ( the longest in the pack or the longest Embroidery Needle you have)

Embroidery Floss
Stuffing (Polyester, Cotton, Kapok, Bamboo stuffing- it is not the stick- , and the soft and classic; Wool. I bought my wool from the " Calico Cat", a fabric and quilting store)

 Sharpie Marker* #
Wool (for needle felting), the package will say needle felting*
Felting needles*
Fabric ( any type) for a bow*

1. Gather materials
*2. Thread  your needle with the embroidery floss. Plan out how big you want the jellyfish to be. Mark the area with tape*
3. Cut the shape of the jellyfish out ; it will look like a half circle( cut around the tape). Peel off the tape on the top of the jellyfish.
4. Do a "whip stitch", or use the needle to go in,out, around, and repeat.( it will look like a old-fashioned leather pouch/purse.)
5.Sew ONLY the curved part/ top of the jellyfish. DO NOT SEW THE BOTTOM!!!
6. Cut yarn as long as you want  tentacles to be.Tie the very top of the yarn in a knot a couple of times so there is a thick knot at the top of each piece of yarn.
7. Insert one of the pieces of yarn into the bottom of the jelly so the knot is inside the jellyfish. You should only be able to see the long/short strand of yarn, no knots! Sew tightly AROUND the knots. Do not sew through the knot or else the fibers will separate.

8. When you have sewn the most of the area around the jellyfish, peel off some of the tape ( about 3/4 of the tape) and sew ONLY 3/4 of the jelly so it has 1/4 of the jellyfish covered in tape.
9. Stuff the jelly until very soft and fat so the felt has expanded a little.
10. Sew the rest of the jelly.
*#11. Use a Sharpie to draw in the face or details if you want to. A lot easier than the next steps...
* 12. If you know ( or have) how to use a felting needle(s) use  red wool -pink wool or any color wool that would look nice- to make blushing cheeks! <3 Use the felting needle to prick the wool over and over and over and over... Until the wool is embedded into the felt body of the jellyfishy!*
*13. Use a needle and thread to make the eyes by sewing a medium-sized oval in the jellyfish by coming in-and-out of the jellyfish; this is called  a running stitch. You can make this go by faster by grabbing some of the felt on the jellyfish and squeezing the felt together so the fabric is ruffled and stick your needle through. I call this the " cheating running stitch", but I do it anyway! When you pull out the needle, there will be about an average of about 3( based on me) stitches per         " cheating running stitch".*
*14. Make the mouth with a running stitch.I made an upside down triangle.*
*15. To make the bow, fold the fabric ( with felt or any fabric of your choice choice. I used a different fabric.) in half and use something like a clip to keep the fabric easier to use. Sew a triangle WITHOUT a point, don't sew the folded point. When you are done sewing a bow form( two triangles; don't sew either points on the triangles, you do NOT need to) cut the out outline  of the seams and you have a bow l><l ! *
*16. Sew the bell on the bow any way you want to. Sew the bow- with the bell on RING RING- on to the jelly.

I hope you like like this project and I think I might do one with wool. Hmmm... See ya later! Meow :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

3D drawing today- Blog chronicles; later

Okay, today I'll show you how to make a simple 3-D image.

You will need-
* two markers like pink and blue( I like using highlighters)
* a paper, I used line paper because that was the only paper I had.
* and a pencil and eraser for more complicated doodles ;D ( optional)

1. Gather materials.
2. Take out first high lighter/ marker, I did pink first so try the lighter colors first.
3. Draw the ( in my case, heart, but try heart first because it is simple) heart.
 4. Out line the color with your second color( do NOT trace the pink; outline it. It is fine to trace by accident.).
5. When your done, it should have a somewhat 3D appearance, or at least a cool look. I will be adding more crafts later so stay tuned! Next time in the Blog Chronicles; "A stuff-tacular time!"

Friday, November 2, 2012

The second days project!

Hi, its my second day but I hope those who read this have enjoyed this blog! If you come here for fun, random stuff;you came to the right place! I know how to make a glue bracelet but it broke on me(literally!), the second time the bracelet came out great!  I think you have to use white glue but I used gel glue instead.

You need for this project- 

*glue -washable

*( blow dryer/hair dryer and marker are optional)*

  1. Get glue and markers if you want to color it.
2. Make a spiral of glue in your palm - if you want two bracelets, spread glue on both hands- now spread glue by rubbing your finger on your *glue* palm.
3. I used this to dry faster but you don't have too. Air dry the glue on your hand(s) or use a blow/hair dryer on the cool setting (heat setting stings* Ouch!*) to speed up the process.It should take 10-15 min. for the blow dryer, and about 25-35 min. for air-drying.
4. * color glue if you want to; use a marker ( I like to use a light highlighter) and color the glue*When the glue is dry, peel the glue from the MIDDLE out to the edges.
5.Roll the glue into a small, roll.Roll out, from inside out. It should look like a bracelet now.

6. You should have a unique,circular glue*colored* bracelet now! Wear it proud, after all you made it! * first cat Princess,second cat Puma* bracelet might be flaky, but it's made of glue. Please say how you liked this project 1st one! Yay!

First Day on the Blog!

Hi everybody! My friend-unnamed-gave me the idea to make this blog; but... I was too lazy to actually do this so my mom helped me along. I will try to check on this every week( I am pretty bad at that so sorry if I miss a few comments ) and I will do my best!